End The Silence

A flawed and imperfect man once reminded his audience that we were all responsible for the scourge of abortion through our silence! Yikes! The stark reality of being exposed as a coward smarts! It should!  "For evil to prevail," Edmund Burke is reported to have said, "good men need do nothing." 

Remaining silent about this massacre of innocent life can longer be an option for any of us. But what can we do?

For starters,  we can use existing resources to simply point out the absurdity of the language pro-choice groups use. We have the technology that allows us to peer into the womb of any pregnant woman and clearly see the human life within her. How many women would still abort if they were shown this ? I suspect that for some individuals, however, an even more direct and unambiguous approach might be required.

End your silence by passing this on.

(With thanks to SignalHill.com, mistervenable and Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life)