
Eucharistic Reflection - Would A Stranger Know?

  "The Eucharist is alive. If a stranger who knew nothing about the Eucharist were to watch the way we receive, would he know this? When you and I approach the Eucharist, does it look like we believe we are about to take into our bodies the living person, Jesus Christ, true God and true man?  How many times, Lord, have I forgotten that the Eucharist is alive! As I wait in line to receive you each day, am I thinking about how much you want to unite yourself with me? Am I seeing your hands filled with the graces you want to give me? Am I filled with awe and gratitude that you love me so much as to actually want to come to me in this incredibly intimate way? Or am I distracted, busy with other thoughts, preoccupied with myself and my agendas for the day? How many times, Jesus, have I made you sad, mindlessly receiving you into my body, into my heart, with no love and no recognition of your love? How many times have I treated you as a dead object? T...

Monday Musings - Another Forgotten Truth - The Necessity to Study Divine Truths


Eucharistic Reflection - Unspeakable Love!


Monday Musings - We Need To Be Witnesses


Pondering Tidbits of Truth - January 2, 2025

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.   Father Jose Gonzalez “Reflect upon the unique mission that God has given to you whatever he has called you to do with your life it is a calling given only to you do not run from it do not reluctantly accept it instead run to it with your whole being and allow God to do great things through you.” (From Catholic Daily Reflections -   October 20, 2024)   St. Teresa of Avila "We must beg God constantly in our prayers to uphold us by His hand; we should keep ever in our minds the truth that if He leaves us, most certainly we shall fall at once into the abyss, for we must never be so foolish as to trust in ourselves. After this I think the greatest safeguard is to be very careful and to watch how we advance in virtue; we must notice whether we are making progress or falling back in it, especially as regards the love of our neigh...

Eucharistic Reflection - Prayer of the Handmaids of the Eucharist

(Image Source: Our Catholic “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body and soul to be entirely one with Your heart, being sacrificed at every instant on all the altars of the world and giving praise to the Father pleading for the coming of His Kingdom. Please receive this humble offering of myself. Use me as You will for the glory of the Father and the salvation of souls. Most holy Mother of God, never let me be separated from Your Divine Son. Please defend and protect me as Your Special Child.” (Our Lady of Akita to Sister Agnes Sasagawa)    

Monday Musings - Jesus' Only Question

Image Source: Hands at Mass ) “Brothers and sisters, the call goes out to all the earth. Is it the love of God you seek? You will find it in the Eucharist. Do you hunger for a life greater than the whole world has to give you? You will find it in the Eucharist. What is the secret to the renewal of the world? You will find it in the Eucharist. Do you hunger for the bread from heaven? Do you long for the light of the world? Do you really want the resurrection and the life? You will find it all in the Eucharist. For in the Eucharist you will find Him – Jesus. He has shown us where to find Him. His only question is this: where are you? (Excerpted from The Sacrament of Charity by Father James Dominic Brent, OP, published on December 18, 2024 by Read entire articl e here. )