Pondering Tidbits of Truth - November 3, 2022

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.




Peter Kreeft, Ph.D.

"There are only two kinds of people in the world: saints, who know they are sinners, and sinners who think they are saints. Your entrance card to Doctor Jesus’ office is your spiritual sickness; He treats only the needy. Do you qualify?"

 (From The Man Who Left His Mark: How Mark’s Gospel Answers Modern Questions)



Alexander de Rouville

"We should speak only when circumstances or the glory of God or love for our neighbor requires it. Apart from these cases it is better to be silent. In silence we find the spirit of recollection and the grace of God which is its source. We learn that to be recollected and interior people we must speak but little, and then say what the Spirit tells us in our heart we ought to say...Sentiments of piety easily vanish in the course of conversation; silence on the contrary preserves and strengthens them...You will find few people who repent of having kept silence, but many who regret having said too much."

(From Imitation of Mary)


Father Jacques Philippe

 “…let us ask ourselves how we look upon others. Does our gaze, like God’s, give life, freedom and encouragement; is it a look of hope? Or is it a look of judgment, condemnation, and constraint? A simple look can give life, but it can also give death. Let us ask for the grace to see each person with the eyes of Jesus, so that our eyes communicate life and hope to those we encounter.

(From Fire & Light – Learning to Receive the Gift of God


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