Virtual Book Tour – Where Angels Pass By Ellen Gable

What a privilege it is to participate in this Virtual Book Tour!

It took me all of five seconds to accept Ellen Gable’s invitation to read her latest novel, Where Angels Pass. Ellen is a storyteller extraordinaire. She never disappoints. Like her eleven earlier books, Where Angels Pass is a page turner. I had to force myself to stop and get some sleep.

The author seamlessly weaves her tale through the perspective of Hank, the victim of clerical sexual abuse, and his daughter, Effie. In doing so, she has done a great service to our Church, the victims of this dreaded abuse, and particularly to their families whose suffering has gone virtually unnoticed. While sharing this story was no doubt painful for her, Ellen’s courage in doing so will help other families living through this nightmare. She has done a masterful job mixing fact with fiction.

This is a novel you will not want to put down. You can buy your copy here.

Don’t take my word. Here is a sampling of what other reviewers have had to say:

“Incredible book. Magnificently done. A story with uncompromising honesty. A.K. Frailey, author.

“Beautifully written, yet heart-rending tale of sexual abuse and the long-term effects such a crime has on its victims...Anger and compassion go hand-in-hand throughout this tale, and Ellen Gable does a remarkable job balancing the two…I highly recommend this book for anyone who seeks t understand, for this just might be one of the most important novels of our time. Mary Jo Thayer, award-winning author of Close to the Soul.

“What I expected to be an uncomfortable story ended up being a love story of a daughter for her father, a father who suffered the life-long effects of something no young person should ever experience. Thank you, Ellen, for sharing this deeply moving story that will surely touch readers in a very profound way. Jim Sano, author, The Father’s Son.

“I could not put this book down, so don’t let the topic deter you. The story, told simply and honestly – and without sensationalism – will draw you in and have you rooting for these characters long after you close the book.” Victoria Ryan, author

Ellen was asked in an interview: Why did it take 15 years for her to be able to write this book? This is her answer:

“I didn’t want to imagine what my father went through during his abuse and afterward. And while I wrote this book, I had to step away because I’d be crying, especially during the abuse chapters, the aftermath, his nervous breakdown, and his battle with alcoholism.

My father wasn’t the sum total of his faults. Instead, he was a unique image of God, who tried his darnedest to be a good husband, son, and father. However, his woundedness was like a snake that slithered all throughout everything he did, good or bad.”

So who Is Ellen Gable?  Coach, speaker, publisher, NFP teacher, book reviewer, transcriptionist, and instructor in the Theology of the Body for Teens. Her books have been collectively downloaded 750,000 times on Kindle. Some of her books have been translated into Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, and French. The mother of five adult sons and grandmother to one cherished grandson, Ellen (originally from New Jersey) now lives with her husband of nearly 40 years, James Hrkach, in Pakenham, Ontario, Canada.


This Blog Tour does not end with my post. Other gifted authors will share their opinion in the days to follow. Be sure to visit them:

December  11 Patrice MacArthur

December 12  Amanda Lauer

December 13 Theresa Linden

December 14 Jeanie Egolf

In addition to getting your own copy of Where Angels Pass, let me recommend that you be sure to stop often and visit Ellen. You can find her at:

Blog: Plot Line and Sinker

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