Pondering Tidbits of Truth - December 2, 2021

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.



Catherine Doherty de Heuck, Servant of God

"If you love Christ, if you enter His Heart, then you will find yourself in the loneliness of the garden, in the loneliness of all humanity. If you want to stay close to the Heart of Christ, then you have to go to where Jesus is - on the cross.

Christ left the other side of His cross open for you, so that you could hang there with Him, close to His Heart, for the sake of the world, loving all sinners, making your loneliness - Christ's loneliness - a prayer for all people."

(From In the Footprints of Loneliness)


Father Emile-Marie Briere

"No amount of  human appreciation, understanding or love can satisfy the human heart. We are made for God, for the Infinite, for a greater love affair than we can imagine.

God alone knows our name; He alone can know us completely. He alone can enter the enclosed garden. He alone - Lover, Gardener, Redeemer - can heal our deepest wounds by His secret grace and make us truly come alive.

Daily we make the grave mistake of hoping we will be fulfilled in other ways. We think we can find perfect peace and joy if only certain changes are made or happen.

We say to ourselves: 'Everything would be okay if only my husband showed greater appreciation...if only I had a better job...if only...'

As long as we really believe that all will be well 'if only' we haven't got the picture yet. As long as we strive to satisfy the immense longings of our hearts with anything less than God, our efforts are bound to be frustrated.

People can give us much, but they cannot give us everything. We need others, but they cannot fully satisfy us. They need us, but there are limits to what we can do for them.

As a matter of fact, true love, true communication, cannot take place unless each has filled his inner solitude with God - unless each seeks union with God as his basic purpose."

(From The Power of Love) 


  Catherine Doherty de Heuck, Servant of God

"What we need today is saints. Hundreds, thousands, millions more saints! All kinds of violence, hates and fears vanish like mist in the sun before saints, before men and women in love with God, men and women of sanctity.

Sanctity means much loving. That is what we have been created for - to love - to love our neighbor and, through him or her, to love God.

Loving is fun Loving is joy. Loving is peace. Loving means serving. Loving means forgetting self for others. Learn how to love, and all the rest will be added unto you.

We are almost beside ourselves today with fears. Our heads cannot rest anywhere, nor our hearts, nor our souls. We seek answers vainly in human solutions - political, economic, and ecological - knowing, even while we do all this, that we are shadow-boxing.

Nothing can save us except sanctity. That's why we need saints today. If St. Francis of Assisi had an atomic bomb, would anyone worry about it? No. Because being a saint, he loved much. And where love is, there cannot be fear or evil.

Ah, we need saints today! We need understanding, too, to realize that the greatest tragedy that can befall us is not to be saints."

(From the November 2021 issue of Restoration)


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