Eucharistic Reflection - Let Us Pray



  1. We would all do well to meditate on each of the elements of this litany. I grew up when it was, "We beseech Thee hear us." It still echoes in my brain. Somehow as a child I knew that this petition illustrated the magnificence of God and my insignificance just with the word, "Thee". I wish the language had never been changed. Words do make a difference. I cannot speak to God as if He is on the same level as I am with the word, "You". Who is He and who am I?

    Keep up the great work, Michael. I'm so glad to have met you through this blog.

    1. Barbara

      All I attempt to do is to share long-forgotten Truths so that God may use them to touch hearts and stir souls. You have blessed my life in so many ways. My prayers for your physical and spiritual well-being will never end.


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