Pondering Tidbits Of Truth - April 15, 2021


Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.



Blessed Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier, O.P.

“One should attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with reverence, recollection, attentiveness, and piety, since Jesus Christ, true God and true man, sacrifices Himself on the altar through the hands of the priest, as he was immolated on Calvary by the hands of the executioners. It is the same Victim, the same Sacrificer. Moreover, this sacrifice is not simply a commemoration and a remembrance of the Passion of our Savior on the cross but a true re-enactment, though in a bloodless manner This is why we should attend Mass with a lively fear and reverential trembling, as if we were present at the crucifixion of Jesus . We should also enter into the feelings of the Most Blessed Virgin, of Saint Mary Magdalene, of Saint John, and of the good thief, when they were present before the sacrificed Savior; that is to say, to fill ourselves completely with sentiments of adoration, love, admiration, fear, contrition, respect and thankfulness.

(From Instructions For Novices)


St. Bernard

“At His second coming, God will be as inflexible and as rigorous in punishing as at His first coming He was merciful and forgiving. There is now no sinner living who is cut off from His reconciliation; but in the day of His justice none will be received.”

(From The Sinner's Guide by Ven. Louis of Granada, O.P.) 


Mother Mectilde of the Blessed Sacrament

It is not enough to know that you must go to Holy Communion. It is necessary to endeavor to have the grace of communicating often. And supposing that you were to persist in your present state, there is a temptation to refrain, under the pretext of seeing yourself little disposed to receive it. Go to God with trust and love, do not deprive yourself of Him out of fear. Alas! What presumption to think that we are able to prepare for Communion! It is God alone who can prepare us by His graces and His mercies. Accordingly, you have nothing and can do nothing unless God gives it to you. Present yourself to Him so that you may receive what He desires to give you, and ask Jesus to receive Himself in you and to glorify Himself there, since you are incapable of being able to do this well. Let His love supply for everything. And in this simple disposition, receive communion often.

You must go to Communion as often as the community does, unless some infirmity hinders you. You should never deprive yourself of it through your own reasoning ...

You will act in a holy way by renewing yourself often and not following your fears and your aversions toward Holy Communion and prayer. Have more love than fear. I am delighted to see you with the feeling of gratitude for God's gift to you. I employ you, my child, to spend your whole life and the love of humble gratitude, giving thanks to God, praising and blessing Him for all His gifts. It is a holy practice wherein I have found miracles and very singular increases in grace. By giving thanks to our Lord, you draw down new blessings.

(From The Mystery of Incomprehensible Love)







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