Pondering Tidbits of Truth - December 10, 2020


Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time




Venerable Mother Julienne Morell, O.P.

“Through the eternal years, God’s thought of me has been for my happiness. He placed me, therefore, among the number of beings whom He determined to call into existence, and in the rank of those upon whom He was to let fall the shower of His mercies. He resolved to create me at that moment fixed by His own Wisdom, and to follow my creation by accomplishing in me all the designs of His Love. Did He place any condition? Yes, one only: That I would not, on my part, hinder His work within me by raising any obstacle to it, and that I would consent to follow the attractions of His grace, sweet and powerful.”

(From Meditations on Eternity for Religious)


Venerable Bruno Laneri

“I will plan the activities of my day so that I may more surely do the will of God and give Him glory in all that I do: not different things, but the same things done differently; not doing things simply out of habit, but out of love.”

(From Overcoming Spiritual Discouragement)


Robert Cardinal Sarah

“Were not Jesus, Mary and Joseph poor? Did they shout in protest against their poverty? So many monks and nuns, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her missionary sisters: Are they not poor, and are they not silent? But it is not just those in consecrated life. In Africa, in Asia and elsewhere, I have had the opportunity to meet with poor people who have great nobility and an incomparable dignity. Although they live in extreme material poverty, these people firmly believe in God and are radiant with joy, peace, and inner harmony. Man’s wealth is God. The most horrible and most inhumane poverty is the lack of God.”

(From The Power of Silence)

