Eucharistic Reflection - Grace Of Deeper Recollection
“In order to lead the soul to a high degree of virtue, God grants it the grace of deeper recollection. This incontestable truth is little known or appreciated even by persons of piety, who too often act on the belief that progress in holiness consists in external religious practices or in a greater enjoyment of God.
Yet it is certain that
the grace of recollection, by bringing us nearer to God, nearer to the divine
fire of love, does increase our light and fervor. That is why we comprehend
certain truths so clearly when we are in a more profound state of recollection.
We discern them, in fact, by the very lights of God. Then it is that we have a
peace we never knew before, a strength which astonishes us; we feel we are with
(St. Peter Julian Eymard from Holy Communion)