Eucharistic Reflection - Beware Of Discouragement

 "We must beware of discouragement, for the majority of souls fall into it saying: 'For such a long time I have attended Mass and offered my imperfections, and I still have them all and I am not dead to the least of them.' Others say: 'I have received Communion so many times and I am not at all transformed into Jesus Christ, which is the effect of Holy Communion; therefore, it is not necessary to receive Communion anymore.'

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No, no, there is something you must note: it is in order to have us hear Mass  often and receive Communion many times that Jesus Christ does not effect this complete death or total transformation. Instead He leaves us our imperfections so that we may make a continual sacrifice of them in combating them constantly for Him. This is why Our Lord does not cause this [transformation] all at once; these matters for battle He leaves for the sake of our fidelity."

(Mother Mectilde of the Blessed Sacrament from The Mystery of Incomprehensible Love)