Eucharistic Reflection - A Night Devoid of Love

That night of the betrayal [by Judas] was also a symbol and image of another night, now twenty centuries long, filed with betrayal, ingratitude, perfidy and sacrilege. Is this not indeed men’s answer to the gift of God? Is there even one day when, nowhere in the world, a sacrilege is committed?

(Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Many Christians live as if there were no Eucharist. Many spend months and years without receiving Jesus, without paying Him even a short visit. And when, perhaps to avoid being pointed out by fellow Catholics, they do assist at Mass, they single out the shortest one, hear it with little attention, and feel irritated if it ‘lasts too long.’ For any pretext they omit it altogether. Many, in a whole lifetime, receive only the First Communion and perhaps, Viaticum. Is this not a night devoid of love, but full of ingratitude?

(From The Holy Eucharist by Father Jose Guadalupe Trevino)

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