Worth Revisiting - Toward Reclaiming the Sacred Nature of our Churches

Thank you Allison Gingras  (Reconciled To You) and Elizabeth Riordan (Theology Is A Verb) for this opportunity to re-publish a favorite post on Worth Revisiting.

Stop for a visit now (and every Wednesday). The gifted hostesses and other writers who post each week will no doubt have much of value to offer you..

Here's my contribution:

Toward Reclaiming the Sacred Nature of our Churches 

(Originally posted on February 22, 2016)

When you enter your parish Church are you struck with the awesome power of reverent silence? 

Do all who enter demonstrate reverence for, and their belief,  in the Real Presence of their loving Savior by reverently genuflecting to He Whom they have come to worship and adore?

Are your fellow parishioners on their knees praying or sitting silently gazing upon the Tabernacle instead of chatting with their neighbors? 

Do they stay for a moment at the end of Mass offering a silent prayer of thanksgiving?

Do they exit silently and postpone idle chatter until they are physically outside the Presence of the Lord whose Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity they have just eaten and drank?

If the answer to any or all of these questions is "No" then  it is time to do something about this - one person and one family at a time:

Our God deserves, and is entitled to be treated with, reverence and respect.


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