Monday Musings - Stirring Up Souls
Thank God for the gift of Father Mark at Vultus Christi!, who recently reminded us:
“There is nothing…as compelling as the sight of a priest in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. In an age of locked churches, of churches opened only for ‘services’ … it is a rare thing. And yet, there is no more effective way of communicating to souls the truth about the Most Holy Eucharist.” (See his full post - When A Priest Adores here)
I certainly concur with the good Father and thank him for both translating and then sharing this excerpt of a November 1855 letter from the Bishop of Lucon to Virginie Danion:
“I never go up into the pulpit without seeking to move [souls] to love of the Divine Eucharist, and I often recommend the visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Given that example speaks louder than words, I go habitually to recite Vespers, Compline, and later, Matins and Lauds before the Blessed Sacrament in the cathedral, and at nightfall I make a half-hour’s meditation there. The Lord will, I hope, bless these efforts, by stirring up in a greater number of souls the desire to visit the Blessed Sacrament. I say this only for you, so that your heart may be consoled by it. Persevere in your holy undertaking, in the midst of difficulties and contradictions. The railway cars are overflowing with travelers while the avenues leading to churches where the Holy Eucharist resides are deserted. This is truly the hidden and unknown God. Apply yourself to making Him known, praised, loved, blessed and welcomed.”
Let us pray that many more of our priests will follow the recommendation of this fine Bishop and never cease, by their word and example, to stir up in as many souls as possible, “the desire to visit the Blessed Sacrament”.
Stirring up this holy desire should be, in this simple man’s view, the number one priority of our Church, and every one of its Bishops and priests.
Do you agree?