Sunday Snippets - January 26. 2014

(Photo©Michael Seagriff)

Sunday has arrived once again. Please visit RAnn's place, This That and The Other Thing, and let the Catholic bloggers who post there touch your heart and stir your soul.

Question of the week: Where do I get my Catholic reading material? - From  multiple sources including: TAN Publishers, Sophia Institute, Roman Catholic Books, Ignatius Press, and 

Here are three posts from my blog:

Eucharistic Reflection - More Favored Than St. Mary Magdalen, the Apostle Thomas and St. John

The Wisdom of St. Francis de Sales on Suffering

Video - If the Main Stream Will Not Share the Truth, We Must!

 Catholic Online honored me this week by featuring my post, "Are We Comatose or Just Suffering from Amnesia?" as its lead story.

In thanksgiving for God's many blessings and in appreciation for all those who have taken the time to read my postings here and elsewhere, I am offering a FREE Kindle copy of my latest book, Fleeting Glimpses of the Silly, Sentimental and Sublime, from Tuesday January 28 through Thursday January 30 .To get your FREE copy, simply click this link on any of those three days.

Could I ask you to pass the word and let your readers,  family, friends,  and fellow bloggers know of this offer so they can their FREE copy as well?


  1. Mike, send me a reminder email on the days your book is free and I'll post about it on Facebook and Twitter. My book, Stealing Jenny, is also free this week (Monday to Wednesday). God bless!!

    1. How kind and generous Ellen. Thank you. I will gladly reciprocate by sharing notice of your book as well.

  2. I read your article "Are We Comatose or Just Suffering Amnesia?" As a fairly recent convert to the Catholic Church, I too have wondered how the Church has become so infected with the world's morality (or rather, the world's IMmorality). What are the roots of this problem? Weak leadership, poor catechesis, spiritual apathy? Probably a combination of factors.

    Of course, a review of history shows that the Church has periodically needed to undergo some 'spring cleaning', so this problem is nothing new. Yet it seems that this is defintely one of the times in which we're in desperate need of spiritual renewal. May God pour out His Spirit upon us!


    1. Thank you for commenting. Welcome to Christ's imperfect Church. We know that all will end well. Yes, you are correct this is not the first time our Church has struggled. This is what happens when the Eucharist is no longer the source and summit of our lives.


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