Sunday Snippets - October 13, 2013

Basilica-University of Notre Dame)

It's Sunday and time to join an interesting group of Catholic bloggers at RAnn's place where you are sure to find something that will touch your heart and stir your soul. Take a few minutes and visit!

This week's question: Have you read a book lately that you'd like to recommend to us? Which one and why?


Yes, “Don’t You Forget About Me” a mystery thriller written by Erin McCole Cupp, scheduled to be released next week. I received a review copy and could not put the book down!
What a fast pace, intriguing, captivating story line - full of surprises. The characters are so very real; many of them (Mary Catherine, Staz and Sister Thomas Marie just to name a few) mirror some of the personalities who populated by younger years.
The author seamlessly incorporates many of today’s hot button issues in this novel – like the culture of death, individual and corporate greed, sexual promiscuity – ones that divide not only Catholics but larger segments of our society. The book is, as others have commented “addictive,” “compelling,” “quirky,” “exciting,”  “cozy,” “lively” and “fun”.

What follows are links to three of my blog posts this week:

Eucharistic Reflection - Our Deserted Lord

Pondering Tidbits of Truth - October 10, 2013

Rosary Reflection - Contemplating the Face of Christ

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