Got To Love Us Dominicans!

Take a look at this 2.40 minute dynamic video about St. Dominic and the Dominican Order. Thanks to Christopher's Apologies, Gloria TV, and our Father Dominic!

I have been blessed to be a Lay Dominican in the St. Joseph (Eastern) Province for 12 years. Check us out here. Is God calling you to be a Dominican friar? Why not visit the website of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph? Maybe the Dominican Sisters are calling you? Check them out. Here are a few to start with: here, here and here.

St. Dominic pray for us!


  1. I love the Dominicans but I'm already a Benedictine Oblate. May God raise up some outstanding Dominican preachers for our age.

  2. I watched the video and visited the website. I am a little confused. The website was not very informative for me. Do lay dominicans preach? I thought that was permitted only to priests and deacons. I suppose it is not much matter since there aren't any lay orders in WA.

  3. Richard:

    Thank you taking the time to comment.

    You are certainly correct in stating that only priests and deacons can preach at Mass. But the rest of us preach by the way we live our lives. We Lay Domincians also preach by sharing through our writing and non-liturgical speaking engagements the fruits of what we learn from our study and from our own reflection.

    My vocation as a Lay Dominican provided me with a solid spiritual framework from which to work out my salvation, gave me a zeal and concern for the salvation of other’s souls, created an insatiable appetite to learn and share the Truths of my Faith, enhanced my ability to pray, re-invigorated my love for the Eucharist, Eucharistic Adoration, the Mass, the Rosary and our Blessed Mother, fuels and inspires my writing, and has helped me immensely in my vocation as husband, father, grandfather and friend.

    I am sorry you did not find the links helpful.


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