For Those Who Struggle to Believe in the Real Presence

My wife and I find ourselves traveling more these days - visiting our children, grandchildren, aging and ailing siblings who are no longer very close to us geographically but who have been permanently and lovingly imbedded in our hearts.

During past trips, we have been disappointed with many of the Catholic Churches we have visited along the way - no tabernacle, no reverent silence, no visible behavior evidencing a belief in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist.

Now when we travel to or through an unfamliar area, we ask God to lead us to a Catholic Church where He is truly worshipped and adored. We offered that prayer during a recent trip. After about seven hours of driving, we were prompted to exit the interstate and enter a town we had never been in, stopping at the first motel we encountered. After checking in, I asked the clerk where the nearest Catholic Church was. "Sacred Heart Church is less than five minutes from here," he responded.

After putting our things away in our room and before eating dinner, we got into the car and went to find the Church that was "just five minutes away".  As we pulled up the driveway, my wife and I almost fell out of the car. This is what we first saw:

How blessed we were to later spend some time in this holy place, face to face with our Hidden Lord.

For more than ten years now, I have encouraged everyone to participate in Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, promising them they will discover God there. They will, if they are open and honest to His promptings.

In my zeal to promote this vital devotion, I have overlooked the reality that for many, spending time in Adoration may initially or occasionally be quite the struggle.

If you fall within this group, take heart. Father Mark has sound advice for you.


  1. This is the parish that I grew up in! I now live out of state. I was browsing Google images of Eucharistic adoration when I stumbled upon these pictures and your blog. Thank you for posting! This particular adoration chapel is the vary place that nurtured my faith and it is where I fell in love with Jesus in the most Holy Eucharist. Thanks for posting! reading this was a gift :) God bless you!

  2. God is so awesome. Let me assure you that your comment is one of the best gifts I have every received. God bless and sustain you.


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