Worth Revisiting - A Prophetic Warning

(Photo©Michael Seagriff)

Thanks to the generosity and encouragement of Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan, an ever-expanding group of Catholic bloggers take the time each week to re-post their favorite articles on Revisiting Wednesdays.

Do yourself a favor- go here now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in Faith journey.

During the rest of each week. visit Allison at  Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb.  You will be pleased with what they share.

This week, I decided to share a guest post that appeared on my blog last January. I know Barb's words will ignite souls.

 Guest Post - A Prophetic Warning! 

(Originally posted  January 26, 2015)

[Although I have not yet had the privilege to physically meet the gifted writer whose work I am about to share with you, we are not strangers.

Barbara Schoeneberger, M.A. has challenged and stirred my soul (and countless other souls) through her words and inspiring example.

She has struggled for more than a decade with, among other crosses, physical limitations, surgeries, chronic pain, and most recently - cancer. Once she understood "the purpose of her suffering", her life changed. Through sharing her life's experiences and spiritual journey, Barbara hopes her writings will "help others to make the most of the challenges God has sent them."
You would serve the welfare of your soul well if you made a point of visiting her at  Suffering With Joy.

Barbara has graciously consented to my sharing one of her most timely posts - one that should be widely read and disseminated]:

A Prophetic Warning! by Barbara Schoeneberger

Cleaning out a file cabinet this past week I found this copy of a presentation Servant of God Father John A. Hardon, S.J. gave in 1999 at the national meeting of the Institute on Religious Life. I’ve been a fan of Father Hardon’s ever since he came to my attention in the mid to late 1990s. At that time I took his Marian Catechist program and bought all of the tapes he offered through Eternal Life. It was a great blessing to hear him speak the teachings of the Church with no ambiguity.


Present at that meeting of the Institute were Cardinal George, Bishops Bruskewitz, Doran, and Timlin, and many superiors of religious institutes. As we begin a new year in a world that has deteriorated measurably since 1999, we, although we may not be vowed religious, would do well to reflect on his words.

Continue reading HERE at Barbara's blog.


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