Monday Musings - The Synodal Journey

Am I understanding this correctly?

Catholics have been poorly catechized for more than five decades. They do not know their Faith and very few  practice it. Their spiritual shepherds (for the most part) have not taught them the Faith. 

Polls indicate that the majority of those claiming to be "Catholic" actually reject many of the Church’s teachings on such fundamental issues as the Real Presence of our Lord in the Sacred Eucharist, attendance at Sunday Mass, abortion, artificial insemination, contraception, euthanasia, the family, active homosexual lifestyle, same sex marriage and transgenderism.

Yet these same shepherds who have failed to teach, fraternally correct or defend the fundamental Truths of our Catholic Faith are now going to listen to, and to seek the opinion of, “Catholics” who don’t know their faith, don’t live or practice their Faith, and even publicly oppose the teachings of the Catholic Church. They will also "listen" to the viewpoints of non-Catholics and atheists. Is this a wise and prudent path to follow?

Since when do teachers seek to be taught by their students or by those who know nothing of the subject matter being reviewed?  Reminds me of the parable of the blind man in Luke 6:39: "A person who is blind cannot guide another who is blind, can he? Will they not both fall into a pit?".

Our bishops are embarking on this journey in order to discern “the direction in which [God] wants to lead” His Church and how we are “to empty ourselves, to free ourselves from all that is worldly, including our inward-looking and outworn pastoral models”. 

Truth is not arrived at by seeking some type of consensus among disparate groups and individuals. Jesus Christ is the Truth. The Deposit of Faith already exists. We need but follow Him and It. 

Does it shock you to be told that our reliance for more than two thousand years upon the clear example, teaching and guidance of our Lord, our sacred liturgies and the exemplary lives of countless saints, was misguided, is outdated and of little or no value to Catholics today? 

This simple man must ask: Have we gone absolutely mad? How many souls will be lost for all eternity over the next few years  as we travel down this rabbit hole? Just look at the rotten fruit and confusion being generated by the German Synod.

Rather than making that error, let us do three simple things certain to revitalize our Faith: 

    - Acknowledge that it is God and God alone Who will transform us and His Church. We need only to humble ourselves, get down on our knees and ask.

    - Restore reverent silence and a sense of the sacred within our Church buildings at all times and most especially during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; and

    - Unlock our Church doors and invite everyone professing to be Catholic to spend time on their knees, visiting and adoring God Almighty, present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament. 

It will be a much shorter and more fruitful journey.


  1. Excellent points. I will go so far as to say the “democratic “ approach to discernment may just amount to pooled ignorance.

  2. A pretty sound conclusion, I would say. Thank you for taking the time to visit and to comment.


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